What Factors Affect Boat Insurance Premiums?

Photo Courtesy: FabrikaCr/iStock

On average, boat insurance costs between $200 and $500 per year, though some people may pay more or less than that amount. The reason for the dramatic variance is that a lot of factors affect boat insurance premium prices. As a result, two boat owners can pay very different amounts for similar coverage.

By understanding the factors that affect boat insurance premiums, it’s easier to understand why the difference occurs. Here’s a look at what influences boat insurance policy pricing.

The Level of Coverage

When you get boat insurance, you can customize the coverage in multiple ways. You can increase or lower the amount of liability coverage, with higher amounts leading to larger premiums.

You can also purchase add-ons to address specific base-policy gaps or situations, such as supplemental towing or salvage coverage. Every add-on increases the premium price, as it functionally extends your policy beyond its normal limits.

Finally, your deductible plays a role in boat insurance premium pricing. Usually, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. High deductibles leave you paying more of the cost of a qualifying incident out of pocket. As a result, insurers charge less because high deductibles reduce their payouts.

The Boat’s Features and Value

In many cases, a boat’s features are a big part of what insurers consider when setting policy premiums. Everything from the horsepower to the finishes to the onboard equipment is factored in along the way. Primarily, this is because certain features increase risk, while others push repair costs up. Since premiums shield insurers from losses across all of their policies, they price premiums accordingly.

Additionally, as with vehicles, the value of the boat impacts premium prices. The more expensive the watercraft, the more insurers have to spend when making repairs after qualifying incidents. As a result, they charge higher premiums to compensate.

The Typical Usage of the Boat

The ways a boat is used also influence premium prices. For example, you’ll pay more if you’re living on a boat than if you’re using one recreationally, as increased use causes risk to rise.

Boats operated for business purposes require insurance coverage that comes with a higher premium. As a result, a fishing boat that’s only used by the owner and one that’s used for charters have different premiums, even if they’re the exact same vessels otherwise.

Boats used for racing also have higher premiums overall. Generally, specialty insurance is required for racing vessels, and it’s often quite costly.

The Driver’s Age and Driving Record

A boat operator’s age and driving record also impact premiums. Younger drivers have less experience operating vehicles, so they’re viewed as a higher risk than drivers with more time behind the wheel. As a result, younger drivers – particularly teens – are statistically more likely to end up in accidents. Additionally, young drivers are often more inclined to act recklessly when driving, which increases their odds of an accident.

Similarly, boat operators with accidents on their driving records are considered higher risk by insurers. Previous incidents or insurance claims are factored into the equation, and those without clean records usually see higher premiums.